
Scintillon is a Philips Hue compatible smart home app that lets you control your Hue lighting using your Sailfish OS phone.

Scintillon is a QT app for use with Sailfish OS.


If you have a Philips Hue Hub and some lights attached you can use Scintillon to control them. Your phone has to be connected to the same local network as the Hue Hub, the app doesn't currently support connection via the Philips cloud.

As well as controlling the colour and brightness of individual lights it will also allow you to create and apply groups and scenes, configure sensors and switches, set alarms and countdown timers to trigger changes to your lights, and add new lights to your network.

This is a preliminary beta release, so it's likely to be buggy and hasn't been vigorouslly tested. Hopefully that'll change and the bugs will be ironed out, along with new features being added, over the coming months.

Build from source

The source is available from GitHub. If you want to build the application from source, you'll need the Sailfish SDK installed.

Once you've cloned the repository locally, there are a couple more steps to follow.

  1. Edit the apps/ file to replace the SUBDIRS += qtcontrols2 line with SUBDIRS += sailfish
  2. Execute the script from the directory it's contained in to create the graphics needed in various resolutions.

You can then load the project file into the Sailfish SDK and build it as normal.

Binary install

The easiest way to install Scintillon is to download it from the Jolla Store, or from OpenRepos.


Scintillon is released under the GPLv2 licence.


10 most recent items

4 Jul 2021 : Scintillon 0.4.1 released #
Scintillon version 0.4.1 is now available. It allows Philips Hue lights to be controlled from a Sailfish OS phone. Links to the installable app and source code are on my Scintillon page. The latest version updates the translations and moves definitively to a new version number for the updated build process and aarch64 build.
27 Jun 2021 : Scintillon version 0.3.2 released #
I've rebuilt Scintillon to support Sailfish OS 4 and above, including 64-bit ARM devices. There's more info on the Scintillon page; you can get the binary from the Jolla Store or OpenRepos, and the GPLv2-licensed source can be found on Github.
15 Sep 2019 : Sailfish app updates - Scintillon and GetiPlay #
Not just one but two new versions of my Sailfish apps are now available for download. GetiPlay has been updated to version 0.9 and now uses the latest ffmpeg and AtomicParsley utilities under the hood, which will hopefully lead to better audio and video rendering. There's also now an i486 version available for the first time. Scintillon has also seen an update to version 0.3. This latest version has Italian translations provided by the brilliant Francesco Vaccaro of Jolla-IT fame. Thanks Francesco!


25 Aug 2019 : Scintillon gets 中文简体 (Chinese) translations #
I'm thrilled to announce that Scintillon, my Philips Hue app for Sailfish OS, now has Simplified Chinese translations included, thanks to the amazing efforts of Rui Kon! The app is up on OpenRepos and the Jolla Store, but it may take a couple of days for the changes to make their way through the Jolla Store validation process. 
19 Aug 2019 : Scintillon - Philips Hue app for Sailfish - release #
Oooh. Is that a new app release? Yes it is! Scintillon is a smart home app for Sailfish OS that allows you to control your Philips Hue lights. It's early days, with free bugs and missing features, so still very much a beta release. But I'm using it every day to control the lights in my flat, so it might be useful for some other Sailfish OS user out there too. Get all the details are on the Scintillon page, binary from OpenRepos and source from GitHub.  


  • Scintillon Scintillon
    Version 0.4.1 (4 Jul 2021) for SailfishOS.
    Scintillon is a Philips Hue compatible smart home app that lets you control your Hue lighting using your Sailfish OS phone. Install the binary from the Jolla Store or OpenRepos. More info...
    Download: binary, source, screenshot.