The page covers two things:
- The libcontrac library is an implementation of the crypto portion of the Apple/Google Exposure Notification API (once upn a time referred to as the Contract Tracing API). It uses OpenSSL but has otherwise fairly light dependencies, and so should be compatible across a range of platforms.
- The harbour-contrac app is a version of Germany's Corona-Warn-App for Sailfish OS. It builds on the libcontrac code with additional Bluetooth and server upload/download support.
For more info about the library see the library's API documentation and the official draft specs from Apple/Google. There's are also a post on my blog that gives a short and more accessible overview of the specification.
The source code for libcontrac is available under a GPLv2 licence from my home git server, but also mirrored on github.
The harbour-contrac app for is a full unofficial reimplementation of Germany's Corona-Warn-App. The official apps only run on Android and iOS, whereas harbour-contrac has been built to run on Sailfish OS. It's available for use by anyone running Sailfish OS, and although it's only a beta version at this stage it now connects to the official production servers (rather than test servers as it did before).
For more info or to install it on your phone see the app's OpenRepos page.
The source code is available under a GPLv2 licence from github.
10 most recent items
- Contrac
Version 0.7.7 (16 Feb 2021) for SailfishOS.
A (nearly) full reimplementation of Germany's Corona-Warn-App for Sailfish OS. It supports BLE beacon send/receive, diagnosis key upload/downlaod and exposure checking. More info...
Download: binary, source, screenshot. - libcontrac
Version 0.01 (22 Apr 2020) for libc.
An implementation of the crypto portion of the Apple/Google Exposure Notification API. It uses OpenSSL but has otherwise fairly light dependencies for use across different platforms. More info...
Download: source.