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All items from January 2016

29 Jan 2016 : Updated teaching info #
A quick site update: my teaching page now has links to info about my Security II supervisions this term.
19 Jan 2016 : CCNC 2016 downloads #
The paper and slides from the work Tim Panton, Nathan Shone, Mahmoud Hashem Eiza and I recently published at CCNC 2016 are now up on my research pages. The research provides a security analysis of the protocol Tim developed for pairing IoT devices for WebRTC data streaming.
18 Jan 2016 : Finally... #
...after months of procrastination I finally updated the site with info about my new role in Cambridge. No doubt this'll open the floodgates to the stream of updates the site needs (not!).
7 Jan 2016 : Christmas is over #
Epiphany yesterday, Christmas decorations removed, Christmas over. This year the British weather didn't provide us with any snow even though it promised to (it's possible that conversation only happened in my head). Nevertheless with Christmas over I've had to remove the snowy background from the site. We're now back to the imaginatively named 'wavy lines' which, being grey, are all the more fitting for the actual rain we've been getting instead.