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All items from April 2009

29 Apr 2009 : Symbolic library added #
Ooh. Busy day today. I've just now also added the Symbolic library as a download to both the Linux and Windows downloads pages.
29 Apr 2009 : Linux software #
Linux has now been added to the platforms you can download software for from this site. Head on over to the Linux software page, although there's not a great deal to look at just yet.
29 Apr 2009 : Functy for Windows #
I've added some info about Functy to the Windows downloads page. There's only source available right now, but I'm hoping to get together a binary download for Windows in due course.
27 Apr 2009 : Functy on SourceForge #
I've shifted Functy over from my local svn repository to its new home on SourceForge. It's still very early days, and I'm really not too sure about the blackcurrant, but if you're feeling brave you can find out more on the Functy project site.