List items

Items from the current list are shown below.


All items from June 2008

29 Jun 2008 : Tracasserie #
Added a Trac installation to my server.
25 Jun 2008 : PGNet 2008 papers #
Added a couple of papers from PGNet 2008 to the Publications page.
20 Jun 2008 : Secure Software Development White Paper #
The Cyber Security KTN Secure Software Development Special Interest Group has just released a White Paper. This was the output from a workshop Bob and I attended recently, so I've added a link to it on the Meetings page.
8 Jun 2008 : TapirMail website update #
I've unfortunately had to remove the forum from the TapirMail website. It wasn't used very much anyway, but it's a shame to have to do it due to continual hacking/spamming attempts. At least it gave me the impetus to update the site slightly too.
7 Jun 2008 : PGNet 2008 #
PGnet 2008 is once again approaching, so I've added it to the Meetings page.
7 Jun 2008 : Secure Software Development Workshop #
A bit late, but the recent Secure Software Development Workshop is now shown on the Meetings page. A whitepaper resulting from this and other activities of the Secure Software Development SIG will hopefully be released by the SSD SIG soon.