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All items from November 2007

30 Nov 2007 : School fortnightly seminar slides #
Added the slides for my "Trusted Digital Rights Management in Peer-to-Peer Communities" talk to the Presentations page, given as part of the School's fortnightly research seminar series.
21 Nov 2007 : Whole Body Interaction #
Added the Whole Body Interaction workshop to the Meetings page. I'm looking forward to it, but I'm still not sure what to expect yet!
19 Nov 2007 : ACSF 2008 #
Added The 3rd Conference on Advances in Computer Security and Forensics -- that's going to be held here at LJMU -- to the Meetings page.
18 Nov 2007 : Ongoing photo updates... #
Finally, I've started adding some old photos to the photo album on the site. Mostly pictures of pumpkins and snow. I'm just clearing the rather long backlog unfortunately, so no photos of Peru just yet.
16 Nov 2007 : Virtual Worlds slides #
The slides for the Virtual Worlds/Networked Appliances talk I gave at the IV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Computación y Sistemas in Trujillo, Peru, are now available from the Presentations page.
15 Nov 2007 : IV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Computación y Sistemas #
Added the IV Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Computación y Sistemas to the Meetings page. I've just returned from this event held at the Universidad Privada Antenor Orrego in Trujillo, Peru. Peru is a beautiful country and everyone at UPAO was truly hospitable. Slides and photos should appear in due course.
1 Nov 2007 : EuroIMSA 2008 #
Added EuroIMSA 2008 to the Meetings page. It looks like this could be an interesting event.