List items

Items from the current list are shown below.


All items from August 2007

31 Aug 2007 : Computing update #
A brief update to the Computing page, to reflect reality a bit more.
16 Aug 2007 : Publications update #
Added Special Issue on "Advances in Smart Home Security", International Journal of Smart Home, to the Publications page.
10 Aug 2007 : Innovations'07 #
Added the 4th IEEE International Conference on Innovations in Information Technology to the Meetings page.
9 Aug 2007 : New ominous dark style #
Onyx is now the new (temporary) default style for the site. As you can see from the new colour scheme: this is now a serious site. There will be no fun here. Of course, you can always change back, or try any of the other themes on the Styles page.
7 Aug 2007 : New dark site style #
Added a new style called Onyx (obvious name, I know; I might change it). It's currently experimental, but it's going to become the default style if it works out okay.
7 Aug 2007 : Research Interests #
Tweaked the research interests on the Research page, so that it now includes Community DRM, but no longer includes Programming Languages.
7 Aug 2007 : LinkedIn #
Added a LinkedIn button to the Research page. I'm not sure how long it's going to survive. It's my fickle nature you see.