List items

Items from the current list are shown below.


All items from February 2007

28 Feb 2007 : Added a couple of references #
Updated the Publications page with a couple more papers.
18 Feb 2007 : New style #
Added a new style to the site. It's a NISTL style that's undergoing testing for the new NISTL website.
13 Feb 2007 : Adding a note about Nodiad #
I've now added links to Nodiad and a short description of what it's all for to the web apps page. It's nice to finally get it all out of my system. Phew!
13 Feb 2007 : Nodiad #
After much umming and arring (sp?!) I've finally decided to release Nodiad into the wild. It's been sitting on my harddrive for such a long time now, I'd almost forgotten about it. So after doing a bit of tidying up, it's now finally gone live on its own domain.
7 Feb 2007 : Meeting the Scientist #
Added attendance of an EPSRC Meet the Scientist event to the research meetings page. It was very useful, and very enjoyable too!
5 Feb 2007 : A style cascade #
Another three styles have now been added. They're really just updated versions of the existing LJMU styles, but now made much more neat and clean (in my opinion, at any rate!). You can try them out from the styles page.
4 Feb 2007 : Going green #
I've added another style to the site. For reasons that are currently secret it's called Nodiad, is kind of green and beveled, and can be accessed from the style page.
4 Feb 2007 : New online applications page... and fractals #
This evening I added a new Web apps page, which will be a gateway to access various web-based applications I'm working on. It's likely to grow very slowly, but I've also put up an interactive Mandelbrot set explorer to get things started.