List items

Items from the current list are shown below.


All items from January 2007

21 Jan 2007 : New email address #
The email address for the site has become a spam infestation and it's taking forever to sift through all of the junk. So I've decided to change it. The old email address will soon be turned off, so in future please make sure you use the new one.
20 Jan 2007 : Private stuff #
It's now possible to add private pages to the site. This will be of little interest to anyone except me, but it's still true.
20 Jan 2007 : Imminent email address change warning #
Note that... for anyone who cares!... due to the new spam reduction methods, I'm likely to change the email address for this site in the near future. This is the email address starting david-web01 (my other email addresses are unlikely to change).
20 Jan 2007 : Building a spam barrier #
I've been so inundated with spam that it's finally driven me to distraction. My suspicion for a long time has been that my spam problems are due to spambots harvesting my email address from this website. Consequently, I've added some protection to try to prevent this from happening. As I wasn't willing to remove or obfuscate my email address, the solution I've settled on has been to add some 'person testing' code that checks whether you're a bot or not before handing out my email address. Hopefully this won't be too annoying, but will have some positive effect on the deluge of spam.
15 Jan 2007 : Squillions of photos added #
I've had a bundle of photos sitting on my hard disk for ages, which I've been meaning to add to the photo album pages of the site. Well, I've finally got around to adding them. The list of added albums goes something like this:
  • Anne & James's wedding
  • Athens
  • Little Baddow
  • Docklands Location Based Gaming
  • Liverpool in the Spring
  • Pall Mall
  • Liverpool in the Snow
  • Liverpool Tennis Tournament 2005
  • Venice
  • Vince & Charlie's Wedding.
14 Jan 2007 : Read all about it #
I've updated the About page with some slight changes to keep everything accurate.
13 Jan 2007 : CSS validation #
The validation links on the front page have also been tweaked ever so very so slightly, to link to the CSS validator.
13 Jan 2007 : Making things clearer #
Added Ghostly, a program to make desktop windows sort of transparent, to the RISC OS downloads page.
12 Jan 2007 : Minor tweaking #
Updated the research pages.
8 Jan 2007 : The Snow Ceased #
Even though it's not yet snowed this year here in Liverpool in real life, the snow on the site was only intended for Christmas, so has now ceased. If the real weather changes to snow (you never know!), it may return.
2 Jan 2007 : Special Issue on "Advances in Smart Home Security" #
The International Journal of Smart Home will be releasing a Special Issue on "Advances in Smart Home Security". The submission deadline for papers is 31st January 2007. This may not be relevant to most people, but I thought I'd put it up just in case!
2 Jan 2007 : Chinacom 2007 #
Chinacom was a big success last year. Check out the Chinacom website for details of the next upcoming conference in August.
2 Jan 2007 : New Year updates #
Now that the University is open again, it seemed like a good time to update the research pages a tad. So they have been.
1 Jan 2007 : Happy New Year #
Salutations from 2007. Here's hoping this year's a good one!