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24 Mar 2019 : GetiPlay 0.7-1 released #
Here's the changelog for the just-released version 0.7-1 of GetiPlay. More details below, from OpenRepos or github.

Sun Mar 24 2019 David Llewellyn-Jones <> 0.7-1
  1. Correct iterator errors when deleting media files and items from queue.
  2. Correctly trim logfile and prevent UI performance degradation over time.
  3. Correct an incorrect RPM configuration.
  4. Remove cyclic dependences in QML.
  5. Fix various other QML errors.
  6. Add scroll animation when clicking on tab to jump to the top of the page.
  7. Allow control using the lockscreen media (MPRIS) controls.
  8. Improve the button layout on the queue item info screen.