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25 Feb 2018 : Being successful as a thief #
Ars has a great video interviewing Paul Neurath about the troubled development of Thief. I loved sneaking around in the Thief games, from the original right through Deadly Shadows and up to the latest remake. But apart from a wonderful excuse to replay the games in my head, the real message of the video is about the challenges and time pressures of development, something I'm acutely aware of right now with Pico.

"You have to make mistakes. You try things, you go down a lot of dead ends. In this case a lot of those dead ends didn't pan out. But we were learning... That was the key thing. We finally had the mental model after doggedly pursuing this for a year. Now we know what we need to do to get this done and we figured it out and got it done."

When I was young game developers were my heroes. It's good to know that such an inspirational series of games suffered failures and challenges, but still came out as the amazing games they were. We're all working towards the moments they experienced, when "it worked and it felt great."



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