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28 May 2017 : Catastrophic failure #
A series of power cuts last Thursday left Constantia, my home server in a sorry state. On start-up, she would make a sort-of repeating four-note melody, then crash out to a recovery terminal.

Constantia is poorly

I've subsequently discovered that the strange noises were from the hard drive failing, presumably killed by the repeated power outages. A replacement hard drive arrived this morning (impressively on a Sunday, having been ordered from Amazon Friday evening), which I'm in the process of restoring a backup onto.

Old drive on the left, new drive on the right

Right now I'm apprehensive to say the least. This is the first real test of my backup process, which stores encrypted snapshots on Amazon S3 using Déjà Dup. If it works, I'll be happy and impressed, but I'm preparing myself for trouble.

When I made the very first non-incremental backup of Constantia to S3 it took four days. I'm hoping restoring will be faster.


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