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25 Jul 2024 : Day 299 #
I'm at 15 out of 22 tests this morning with 14 passes and one fail. Next on the list is permissions: "location, pop-ups, cookies, camera, microphone."

First up is location. The permission part of this seems to be working correctly. From Jolla's positioning test page, when I select "Get position" the permissions dialog appears. If I deny access the page announces correctly "User denied geolocation prompt". I can then reset the permission via the little browser lock icon in the address bar.

Now if I allow the geolocation permission rather than denying it, a little "toast" notification appears on the screen to say "Positioning is disabled". On the console I get the following output:
ContentPermissionPrompt.js on message received: top:embedui:permissions, msg:
    " geolocation"}
[D] unknown:0 - Geoclue client path: "/org/freedesktop/Geoclue/Master/
My conclusion is that the positioning permissions dialog is working just fine, even if positioning itself isn't. And in fact, when I try to do the same thing on ESR 78, not only do I get the same "Positioning is disabled" toast, I also get an identical error at the console:
ContentPermissionPrompt.js on message received: top:embedui:permissions, msg:
    " geolocation"}
[D] unknown:0 - Geoclue client path: "/org/freedesktop/Geoclue/Master/
This might need a little more investigation, but if the functionality is identical across the two versions, then I'll take that as a good sign.

For the popup permission the behaviour is a little odd. If I visit Jolla's pop-up test page and wait a couple of seconds the pop-up permission dialog appears. I can select Deny or Allow but the result appears to be the same either way: the pop-up never opens. If I select to remember my choice, no change is made to the underlying permissions, which I can check using the little padlock in the address bar.

However, if I change the permission from "Deny" to "Allow" via the padlock and select the link to open another pop-up? Well, then the pop-up opens correctly.

I've always been confused by this functionality: if I select to permanently set the state to "Allow", shouldn't all future pop-ups be allowed, at least until I remove the setting? It doesn't feel quite right to me, but it turns out it does at least match the approach from ESR 78.

So while I'm not entirely comfortable with how it's working, given the behaviour matches ESR 78, I'm considering this a pass.

Next up cookies. I'm using another of Jolla's test pages for this, which allows you to set a cookie, then check its value after restarting the browser.

I've checked that the cookie gets successfully set when Allowed and blocked when Denied. I've also checked that if cookies are blocked in general but with an exception for a particular site, then the cookie is nevertheless stored correctly when visiting a page from the site. Everything on ESR 91 works the same as on ESR 78 and it all feels intuitive and correct.

For the camera and microphone I'm using the same page as I did for the WebRTC tests, Mozilla's getUserMedia Test Page. Although the camera still has the same colouring issue from earlier, everything is otherwise good. And specifically the permission dialogs do their job as expected.

So location, pop-ups, cookies, camera and microphone permission dialogs are all working correctly. I've updated the issue on GitHub to reflect this.

Next I'm going to find out what Happens when I clear the browser data. There's an option in the settings for this, with various different categories available for clearing: history, cookies, passwords, cache, bookmarks and site permissions.

History, cookies, cache, bookmarks and site permissions all appear to work as expected. Unfortunately I'm not able to test password clearing because the functionality to add passwords is currently broken. But I'll come back to that when it's fixed.

For the dark/light theming, switching between one of the fixed values (light or dark) from the settings page works as expected: the site updates its ambience to match (I'm testing using DuckDuckGo). But switching between light and dark phone ambiences doesn't update the site, even though it successfully updates the user interface elements. So that's going to have to be a fail for now.

For audio testing the results are also unfortunately a fail. I'm testing using BBC Sounds which works fine on ESR 78. But on my ESR 91 build we don't get any audio, just an error message that states "This content doesn't seem to be working". Disappointing.

I get the same with the BBC iPlayer for video: it works on ESR 78 but not ESR 91. When using Jolla's video test page I get the same experience. On YouTube as well.

This isn't, to be honest, much of a surprise. I've not applied the changes needed to get audio and video working yet. It's not all bad news though. For example the audio and audio controls on Jolla's audio test page are working correctly. So it looks like the problems are down to the available codecs, rather than something more fundamentally broken with the way audio or video works (or doesn't, in this case).

The final test is for "Everything on the browser test page". Which is a bit nebulous if I'm honest, but I'll still give it my best shot.

All of the prompt dialogs work fine. The multi-select groups work, but the single select widget actually managed to crash the browser. So that's something to look in to.

Text input, radio buttons and checkboxes are all working fine. History (back and forward) works as expected.

Mouse click positioning is looking good.

Interestingly, external links (for example to email or the phone app) are not working. There's no error in the output console either, which won't make fixing the issue any easier. But for now, I just need to identify the fact that this is broken.

The user agent string is good. Window opening and file pickers all work as expected. Localisation, anchors, CSS, Storage, Service Workers are all working.

Full screen doesn't appear to be working. There's also a difference in behaviour when double-tapping. On ESR 78 the double tap goes through, but on ESR 91 it zooms to the enclosing box item instead, as it does with non-selectable items. This will need fixing.

Everything else on the test pages works fine. So while it's not an unambiguous pass, it's not far off.

So that's everything in the list of tests. Seventeen out of twenty two tests passed. Three were partial failures and two were total failures. Here's the full list:
  1. Video rendering and controls: total fail.
  2. Audio output and controls: partial fail.
  3. Private browsing: pass.
  4. Search on page: pass.
  5. Share link: pass.
  6. Save web page as PDF: pass.
  7. Desktop/mobile view switching: pass.
  8. Bookmarks: pass.
  9. History: pass.
  10. Downloads (including setting save destination): pass.
  11. Configuration using about:config: pass.
  12. Home page functionality: pass.
  13. Search providers: pass.
  14. Close tabs on exit: pass.
  15. Do not track: pass.
  16. JavaScript enable/disable toggle: pass.
  17. Password storage: total fail.
  18. Permissions: location, pop-ups, cookies, camera, microphone: pass.
  19. Clearing the browser data: pass.
  20. Automatic dark/light theme switching: partial fail.
  21. Everything on the browser test page: fails: single select widget; external links; full screen; double-tap.
  22. WebRTC audio and video: pass.
Honestly, I don't think that's looking too bad. Tomorrow I'll start working on the failing cases, the first of which will be the password storage.

If you'd like to read any of my other gecko diary entries, they're all available on my Gecko-dev Diary page.


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