A library for contact tracing
File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 contrac.hCore Contact Tracing functionality
 contrac_private.hPrivate header for the Core Contact Tracing functionality
 dtk.hDaily Tracing Key functionality
 dtk_list.hProvides a list of DTKs
 log.hAllows output to be sent to the log
 match.hProvides a way to match collected RPIs with downloaded DTKs
 rpi.hRandom Proximity Identifier functionality
 rpi_list.hProvides a list of RPIs
 utils.hStatic utility functions
 contrac.cCore Contact Tracing functionality
 dtk.cDaily Tracing Key functionality
 dtk_list.cProvides a list of DTKs
 match.cProvides a way to match collected RPIs with downloaded DTKs
 rpi.cRandom Proximity Identifier functionality
 rpi_list.cProvides a list of RPIs
 utils.cStatic utitlity functions